Le preposizioni di luogo in inglese
In questa pagina verranno presentate le principali preposizioni di luogo inglesi, con relativi esempi. Le preposizioni "in", "at" e "on" sono presentate singolarmente data la varietà dei loro impiegi.
Impiego | Esempi |
Luoghi chiusi o circoscritti | I saw your keys in the drawer in the living room. We can take a walk in the park. |
Continenti, Stati, città, e strade senza numero civico | How many people are there in Europe? The office is in Via Santo Stefano. |
Grandi isole, arcipelaghi e catene montuose | In Iceland you can see a lot of geysers. There's almost always snow in the Alps. |
Punti cardinali | In the East, people eat and live differently. They live in the north of Italy. |
Libri, articoli, riviste e giornali | In the Sole 24 ore you can find a lot of news about economy and finance. I read this in "From Animals into Gods: A Brief History of Humankind". |
Impiego | Esempi |
Circa un punto | Someone is at the door. I'm still at the beginning and already I can't take it anymore. |
Luoghi, riferendosi alla loro funzione | I'm at the supermarket. We are at the university Monday through Friday. |
Numeri civici | The store is at 14 Long Road Street. |
Pagine, con riferimento alle pagine in sé | We are at page 82. |
Impiego | Esempi |
Sopra con contatto | Your phone is on the shelf. |
Lungo un luogo | The new military base is located on the East Coast, in Florida. I really like the buildings on the Thames. |
Piccole isole e montagne | What attractions did you see on Elba Island. |
Pagine, con riferimento al contenuto | I found the explanation on page 28. |
Altre preposizioni di luogo
Preposition | Pronuncia | Significato | Esempio |
above | [əˈbʌv] | al di sopra | Look at these clouds above us. The mansion is slightly above the sea level. |
across | [əˈkrɑs] | dall' altro lato | It's across the street. |
against | [əˈgɛnst] | contro | Push the table against the wall. |
along | [əˈlɔŋ] | lungo | We walked along the river. |
among | [əˈmʌŋ] | tra (vari elementi) | Who's the richest among us? |
around | [əˈraʊnd] | intorno; in giro per | We have to stay around the building. There are many book stores around the city. Enemy troops are gathering around the city. |
round | [raʊnd] | intorno (movimento circolare) | The earth goes round the sun. |
below | [bɪˈloʊ] | al di sotto | They live just below the mountain. A large portion of the Netherlands lies below sea level. |
under, beneath | [ˈʌndɚ], [bɪˈniθ] | sotto | The cat is hiding under the couch. There are homeless people who regularly sleep beneath the bridge. |
underneath | [ʌndɚˈniθ] | sotto (una superficie) | There are many tunnels underneath/ beneath the surface. |
behind | [bɪˈhaɪnd] | dietro | I don't want to sit behind you. |
beside, next to | [bɪˈsaɪd], [nɛks.tu] | affianco | Sit next to me. The bar I'm talking about is beside the bank. |
between | [bɪˈtwin] | tra (due elementi) | The entrance is located between the stairs and the elevator. |
beyond | [biˈɑnd] | oltre | "Towards infinity and beyond." |
by, close to, near | [baɪ], [kloʊs.tu], [nɪr] | vicino | The gym we go to is near the grocery. |
from | [frʌm] | da | They come from Finland. (Vengono dalla Finlandia) I'm coming from the pool. |
to | [tu] | a (movimento a luogo) | Let's go to the club tonight. We went from Rome to Milan in four hours. |
in front of | [ɪn.fɹʌn.əv] | davanti, di fronte | Can you see me? I'm right in front of you. |
opposite, across from | [ˈɑp(ə)sɪt]/ [ˈɑpəzɪt], [əˈkrɔs.frʌm] | di fronte | My apartment is right across [the street] from the pharmacy. She lives opposite the park. |
inside | [ˌɪnˈsaɪd] | dentro | What's inside the box? |
outside | [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd] | fuori | No, now we are outside the building. |
into | [ɪn.tu] | dentro (movimento a luogo) | Come into my office. |
onto, up | [ˈɑn.tu], [ʌp] | sopra (movimento a luogo) | How did the dog get onto the roof!? You have to go up the stairs. |
off | [ɔf]/ [ɑf] | giù; via | The glass fell off the table. Take the sticker off my jacket. |
past | [pæst] | dopo, oltre | We got a little past the main square. |
through | [θru] | attraverso | The government plans to build a tunnel that'll go all the way through the mountain. |
towards | [tʊˈwɔɹdz] | verso | Go towards him. |
over | [ˈoʊvɚ] | sopra (senza contatto e sulla stessa vertical; sopra (con contatto e su un'intera superfici; sopra, oltre (moto a luogo) | There's a beautiful chandelier over the table. There's blood all over your clothes. We can go over the fence. |